Last Updated on March 17, 2024 by Natalie
Sometimes, my kids want to stay inside all day. Screens are so alluring and after the monstrosities of recent years, the desire to stay inside is actually even more difficult to resist. I’ve learned that when the kids want to go outside, just go! So when my daughter wanted to take the scooter around the neighborhood at 10:45 one night, I said yes.
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When the Kids Want to Go Outside, Just Go!
My daughter does manage to spend a reasonable amount of time outdoors on any given week. Earlier in the day, her friend stopped by and invited her to go swimming with their family. She gladly joined them for their hour of pool time and had a blast. Then, she came back to drop her things, have a quick bite to eat, then ran outside to find more friends with whom to play. She came back just as the sun was setting. This day was full of outdoor play.
Even with a day full of outside time, I said yes to her request. First, it was a Saturday night. Without any morning obligations, not getting enough sleep wasn’t a factor. Though, if one of my children is having difficulty sleeping and wants to take a night walk to try and calm down, I’m always likely going to say yes. I may only say no during extreme weather, which isn’t a problem in central Mexico.
Given the late hour, I went with my daughter while she slowly took the scooter around our neighborhood. It was a good walk for me, even though we kept it short (a half mile). I was tired after our loop so I didn’t consent to an additional loop.
Even though she was rather displeased by that, she did fall asleep very quickly after the scooter time.
Viewing Holiday Decorations Outdoors
I surprised myself by saying yes quickly to her request. My daughter really wanted to see if anyone else had put up their Day of the Dead/Halloween decorations in our neighborhood. She’s been counting the number of houses everyday and reporting back to us with the updates. Watching out for holiday decorations can be a fun reason to get outside for a walk.
Even though it was late and I was tired, I think I said yes simply because I enjoyed more outside time during that day than I had in awhile. I’d been out on our trampoline two different times. Naturally, my back was complaining last night. I figured a walk might help stretch out those complaining muscles.

Sometimes, getting outside is as exciting as snorkeling in the ocean. Other times, it’s a playground, a hike, or gardening.
When Outdoor Time Looks Different Than You Imagine
Sometimes, getting outside isn’t going to look as your imagined. It can be your child asking you late at night if you can take a walk (or a scooter) around the neighborhood. Sometimes, it’ll be getting out the chalk and drawing all over the driveway or sidewalk. Sometimes, it’ll involve tubs of water or ice balls or snow suits and so on.
It can be as simple as taking snack time outside or as complex as family camping. Or organizing a boat trip to go snorkeling while on vacation.
For me, getting us all outside as often as possible is my goal. When my kids want to go outside, I tell myself to just go!
Have you spent time outside in unusual ways? The best feedback comes from other parents. Please leave a comment with your thoughts and suggestions. Thank you!